Enhancing access to medicines and other health technologies

The World Local Production Forum: Enhancing access to medicines and other health technologies (WLPF) is a WHO initiative that provides Member States and the global community with a regular platform to shape strategies, galvanize collective action, and foster partnerships on sustainable local production to improve timely and equitable access to quality assured health products.

Over the past two decades, there has been an increasing emphasis on the importance of local production and related technology transfer in the context of promoting equitable access to medicines and other health technologies. Progress has been made in promoting local production and improving access; however, existing challenges remain, and new challenges have emerged. As a result, The significance of local production and technology transfer in ensuring equitable access to medicines and health technologies has gained increasing recognition. The WLPF serves as a platform to generate actionable recommendations and outcomes that support local production, with a focus on improving access to quality, safe, and effective health products, and strengthening global, regional, and national health security. It aims to emphasize the importance of health product production as a vital long-term infrastructure and promote the implementation of the resolution WHA74.6 and the first interagency statement on promoting local production which emphasize and recognize the need to strengthening local production of medicines and other health technologies to improve access. 

The  Local Production and Assistance (LPA) Unit serves as the WLPF Secretariat. The unprecedented global health crisis caused by the COVID 19 Pandemic has underscored the insufficiency of global manufacturing capacity in meeting the overwhelming health needs worldwide. In response, there is growing recognition of the need to geo-diversify health product manufacturing to enhance local and regional production capacity to address global health challenges while ensuring equitable access to lifesaving essential health products.

Building upon the success of the inaugural WLPF, organized virtually from 21-25 June 2021, the second edition of the WLPF is scheduled to take place from 6 to 8 November 2023. This significant event will be hosted at the prestigious World Forum in The Hague, The Netherlands. As the WLPF Secretariat, the LPA Unit has been actively collaborating with the Kingdom of the Netherlands to organize and ensure the success of this important forum.

The second WLPF aims to provide a global platform to discuss key challenges in promoting local production and technology transfer and explore opportunities and mechanisms to tackle the bottlenecks and promote sustainable local production capacity to improve access to quality, safe and effective health products and technologies. This forum will continue to facilitate engaging discussions, share best practices, and generate actionable recommendations that contribute to strengthening local production capacities and improving global health security. We encourage all stakeholders, policymakers, and industry leaders to join us at the second edition of the WLPF by register now and securing a spot. 




Who we are

A global community of the foremost leaders, technology experts, industry, international organizations and other stakeholders under the auspices of WHO for public health impact.



What we do

We provide a global platform for engagement, dialogue and collective action. This allows us to: Identify and address the challenges in promoting local production and technology transfer; Support technology transfer of health products in the context of the Technology Facilitation Mechanism established by the SDGs; Promote sustainable local production of quality-assured health products and technologies, through both North-South and South-South cooperation; Consider opportunities and solutions to improve access to quality, safe and effective health products and technologies, and to safeguard health security Promote partnership in enhancing technology transfer and local production to improve access.



Why have the WLPF

Member States have made a request to WHO in WHA Resolution 74.6, which refers to several other WHA Resolutions and Decisions, seeking new mechanisms and opportunities to promote local production and increase technology transfers. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic visibly demonstrated weaknesses in global production capacity and global supply chains, which hindered timely access to priority health products. There is no global platform to draw high-level attention and discuss key issues surrounding technology transfer and local production to improve access and protect health security. The WLPF serves to fill this gap and will be an ongoing initiative.





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The Organizer

The World Health Organization is uniquely positioned at the intersection of Member States and multi-stakeholders to tackle health challenges, strengthen health security and achieve health related SDGs. The World Health Organization, with support of Member States and partners, is organizing the WLPF. The Local Production and Assistance Unit is serving as the WLPF Secretariat. The Local Production & Assistance (LPA) Unit supports Member States in strengthening sustainable local production and technology transfer, to improve access to quality-assured health products. More information on the Local Production & Assistance Unit.

Objectives of the WLPF

  • Explore mechanisms and opportunities to promote sustainable local production capacity/capability and facilitate the transfer of high priority technologies in LMICs.
  • Identify key areas of training that support capacity building for local production and technology transfer.
  • Promote partnerships and business linkages to enhance technology transfer and local production.
  • Provide clear recommendations and actions for implementation by stakeholders.




  • Explore mechanisms and opportunities to promote sustainable local production capacity/capability and facilitate the transfer of high priority technologies in LMICs.
  • Identify key areas of training that support capacity building for local production and technology transfer.
  • Promote partnerships and business linkages to enhance technology transfer and local production.
  • Provide clear recommendations and actions for implementation by stakeholders.

Second WLPF - 6 to 8 November 2023

The Second World Local Production Forum (WLPF): Enhancing access to medicines and other health technologies, will take place from 6 to 8 November 2023 in The Hague, The Netherlands. The Local Production and Assistance (LPA) Unit as the WLPF Secretariat is closely working with the Kingdom of the Netherlands as the hosting country to organize this Forum. The registration process for the 2nd WLPF is now open, and you are invited to complete the registration form to secure your seats.

Inaugural WLPF - 21 to 25 June 2021

The first World Local Production Forum (WLPF) was held virtually from 21-25 June 2021. It was inaugurated by the DG of WHO along with director generals of other UN agencies and ministers of some Member States. The Forum brought together over 70 speakers and panellists and was attended by delegates from over 100 countries, industry associations, finance providers, civil society groups, UN agencies and international partners. Topics that are key in promoting sustainable local production in the current COVID-19 situation and beyond were explored and discussed more deeply in the Forum. These include partnerships and cooperation business ecosystem, regulatory systems, licensing and technology transfer, financing, vaccines, and innovation, artificial intelligence (AI) and the digital revolution. 

The Forum came to a successful closing with three key recommendations that aimed at strengthening sustainable local production of quality assured health products and improve access. At the closing of the Forum WHO announced that the Second WLPF will be organized physically in collaboration with the government of the Netherlands as a host country.

Inaugural WLPF Report

For more information about strengthening local production and technology transfer of medicines and other health technologies: 

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