Facilitation of external reviews and assessments

The Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations System (JIU)

The Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations System (JIU) is the only independent external oversight body of the UN system, mandated with conducting inspections, evaluations and investigations system-wide. 
The JIU’s mandate is to look at cross-cutting issues and to act as an agent for change across the United Nations system. The JIU works to secure management and administrative efficiency and to promote greater coordination both between UN agencies and with other internal and external oversight bodies.

For the past 50 years, the JIU has been dedicated to assisting the legislative bodies of numerous UN organizations and agencies in meeting their governance responsibilities. The JIU provides support in the context of these agencies’ oversight function regarding human, financial and other resources. In its reports and notes, the JIU identifies best practices, proposes benchmarks and facilitates information-sharing throughout all the organizations of the UN system that have adopted its statute.

The WHO Evaluation Office is the Organizational focal point for the JIU and facilitates JIU reviews relevant to the Organization. 

Status of implementation of UNJIU recommendations

Reports to PBAC

Multilateral Organization Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN)

The Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN) is a network of 18 donor countries, representing 95% of Official Development Assistance to multilateral organisations. Members have agreed to use a common framework (in its 3rd generation) to assess the organizational effectiveness of multilateral development organisations, including all UN agencies, global funds, and International Financing Institutions. The Network has a permanent Secretariat hosted by the OECD in Paris, and works through contracted firms. 

MOPAN aims to strengthen the Organisations’ contribution to overall greater development and humanitarian results, and to contribute to organisational learning within and among multilateral organisations. Using a series of 12 Key Performance Indicators (and 63 Micro-indicators), the assessment captures five performance areas:

  • Strategic management
  • Relationship management
  • Operational management
  • Performance management
  • Results

MOPAN assessments are external and independent, and typically agencies are assessed every 4 years. In its 2017-2018 Assessment cycle, MOPAN is reviewing 14 multilateral organizations, including WHO. The entire assessment cycle takes over 18 months and the final report is expected to be released in January 2019.

Past MOPAN assessments and management responses for all organisations can be accessed on the MOPAN site, including for WHO in 2003200720102013

The WHO Evaluation Office is the organizational focal point for the 2017-2018 MOPAN Assessment cycle.