Evidence to recommendations: Methods used for assessing health equity and human rights considerations in COVID-19 and aviation


The COVID-19 pandemic is having a large-scale impact on international travel and trade, particularly in the aviation sector. WHO is conducting systematic reviews of the scientific literature and assessing high-quality data in grey literature on the effectiveness, safety, and potential harms of various public health mitigation measures for SARS-CoV-2 transmission implemented before, during, and after air travel, including at points of entry. The resulting knowledge products will be published as a series of scientific briefs or interim guidance documents as applicable. This document describes the process that WHO will undertake to assess the reporting of key factors related to health equity and human rights in the primary literature of specific public health interventions as they relate to COVID-19 and aviation.


WHO Team
WHO Headquarters (HQ)
Reference numbers
WHO Reference Number: WHO/2019-nCoV/Aviation/evidence_equity/2020.1