Disciplinary actions for sexual misconduct / abusive conduct

Disciplinary actions for sexual misconduct / abusive conduct

This chart presents actions taken on investigative reports issued beginning January 2022. It is provided to honor the Director-General’s commitment of transparency and accountability. It illustrates the outcomes of substantiated allegations and compliments the charts/graphs on the dashboard.


Substantiated offense WHO Region Perpetrator* Victim/Survivor Interim Measures* Clear Check* Disciplinary Action Decision date
Sexual Harassment HQ P5 - Male Non-WHO - Female Yes Yes Dismissal 24/04/2023
Sexual Harassment EMRO P4 - Male NOB - Female Yes Yes Dismissal 15/02/2023
Sexual Harassment AFRO P5 - Male P4 - Female Yes Yes Dismissal 25/01/2023
Sexual Harassment AFRO Consultant - Male United Nations Volunteer - Female No Yes Termination Warranted 13/01/2023
Abusive Conduct EMRO D1 - Male Multiple No No Written Censure 29/12/2022
Sexual Harassment EMRO P5 - Male P3 - Female Yes Yes Dismissal Warranted 29/12/2022
Sexual Harassment EMRO P4 - Male Consultant - Female Yes Yes Dismissal Warranted 15/12/2022
Abusive Conduct EMRO D1 - Male G6 - Female No No Written Censure + 3 Month Fine Warranted 04/12/2022
Sexual Exploitation & Abuse AFRO Special Services Agreement - Male Local Female No Yes Termination Warranted 21/11/2022
Sexual Harassment HQ D1 - Male Intern - Female Yes Yes Dismissal 14/10/2022

*Perpetrator – You can find more details on administrative status and grade of WHO personnel here (for WHO Staff Members) and here (for non-staff contracts)

*Interim measures – Before a sanction is imposed, WHO may implement interim measures to provide support to the affected individual, to ensure the integrity of the investigation and any evidence, to prevent the occurrence or repetition of prohibited conduct, or to prevent retaliation. Interim measures may also be decided to protect the interests of WHO, including the effective functioning of an office. Such measures may include, but are not limited to:
a) measures to physically separate the alleged offender and the affected individual;
b) transfer (e.g., reassignment, loan, etc.) of either the alleged offender or the affected individual to another vacant position or function;
c) the consideration of special leave for either the alleged offender or the affected individual;
d) temporary changes in reporting lines;
e) the placement of the alleged offender on administrative leave; or,
f) any other appropriate measure or combination of measures to the extent consistent with WHO’s policies and practices.

*Clear CheckClear Check is a critical UN-wide database to avoid the hiring and re-hiring of individuals whose working relationship with an organization of the system ended because of a determination that they perpetrated sexual harassment or sexual exploitation and abuse. The Database also allows for the inclusion of individuals with pending allegations who leave the organization before the completion of the investigation and/or disciplinary process.

*Warranted – “Warranted” following an action indicates the person was separated from WHO at the time the decision was issued.