Seventy-sixth World Health Assembly: daily updates

Seventy-sixth World Health Assembly: daily updates

WHO / Pierre Albouy
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A crowded meeting room with a man standing at the podium

Director-General's address at the High-Level Welcome

“We face daunting and complex challenges. We will not solve them at this World Health Assembly, and we may not solve them in our lifetimes. But bit by bit, we are building a road that our children and grandchildren will walk down, and which they will continue to build. Sometimes the building is slow. Sometimes the road is meandering and rough. But the destination is sure, and is closer now than when our forebears began in 1948. It is the destination envisioned by WHO’s first Director-General, Dr Brock Chisholm from Canada, one of the fathers of the WHO Constitution: the highest possible level of health for all people.”
