COVID-19 vaccines

COVID-19 vaccines

WHO/N. K. Acquah
© Credits

Everyone, everywhere, should have access to COVID-19 vaccines.

WHO is determined to maintain the momentum for increasing access to COVID-19 vaccines and will continue to support countries in accelerating vaccine delivery, to save lives and prevent people from becoming seriously ill.

Countries should continue to work towards vaccinating at least 70% of their populations, prioritizing the vaccination of 100% of health workers and 100% of the most vulnerable groups, including people who are over 60 years of age and those who are immunocompromised or have underlying health conditions. 


Public Advice

COVID-19 vaccines explained

COVID-19 questions answered

Advice on getting vaccinated

Delivering safe and effective vaccines

Regulation and policy

COVID-19 vaccines: product-by-product information

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Other resources

Criteria for COVID-19 vaccine prioritization

The proposed attributes and criteria provide considerations for the evaluation and prioritization of COVID-19 candidate vaccines to be considered for further development by WHO. The target audience includes vaccine scientists, product developers, manufacturers, regulators and funding agencies.

Vaccine target product profile

WHO has published the target product profiles for COVID-19 vaccines, which describes the preferred and minimally acceptable profiles for human vaccines for long term protection of persons at high ongoing risk of COVID-19, and for reactive use in outbreak settings with rapid onset of immunity. We have also published the criteria for prioritization of vaccines for clinical trials.