WHO/UNICEF How to build an infodemic insights report in 6 steps


Within a noisy information environment that affects people’s perceptions, attitudes and health decisions, there is often
a gap between health guidance recommendations and the population’s behaviour. In these cases,
infodemic insights can help to inform an emergency response or the response of a health programme.
This manual provides a quick overview of the steps required to develop an infodemic insights report
that can be used during an emergency response or for routine health programming (where so-called
low-level infodemics may be more common).
The steps are:
1. Choose the question that infodemic management insights could help to answer
2. Identify and select the data sources and develop an analysis plan for each data source
3. Conduct an integrated analysis across those data sources
4. Develop strategies and recommendations
5. Develop an infodemic insights report
6. Disseminate the infodemic insights report and track the actions taken.

Each chapter of the manual is dedicated to explaining one step of this process, and is accompanied by
printable and electronically-fillable templates and worksheets, and reference handouts on analyzing
particular health contexts.

WHO Health Topic Infodemics

WHO Team
Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness and Prevention (EPP)
Number of pages
Reference numbers
ISBN: 9789240075658